(SurvivalDaily.com) – Bells are ringing, lights are twinkling, and Christmas music is heard everywhere you go. It’s that time of the year again — time to go to the attic and pull out the ol’ tree and decorate it. One problem, well, maybe two, you own a cat and a dog this year. That changes the way things should be done for their safety, saving you an emergency trip to the veterinarian.
AnimalCareTV has suggestions to help you have a safe holiday season:
Let’s make sure those pets are kept safe by looking at some additional dangers you may not know about already.
- Xylitol and sugar. Candies, gum, and pastry items can contain these items, which may cause severe reactions in pets like liver failure, seizures, and sometimes death.
- Christmas plants. Poinsettia and holly can cause upset stomachs and vomiting, while mistletoe leads to collapse and possibly death.
- Snow globes. A hazard if broken. Shards of glass can be harmful to pets, but the antifreeze they contain can be lethal to pets.
- Nuts and grapes. Though cats are unaffected by these, dogs find them tasty even though they’re toxic and can bring about severe illnesses.
Christmas is a time for friends and family. Furbabies have become so much a part of our families it’d be sad to see them inadvertently hurt during this time of the year. Speaking of injured animals, read about dangers forced upon those in the ocean here.
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