Survival Skills

Survival Skills articles from Survival Daily help you learn the tips you need to successfully navigate a wide array of disaster scenarios. From natural disasters to terror, we cover just about every possibility we can imagine.

Along with Preparation, our Survival Skills reports serve to help you feel more equipped to overcome dangerous and life-threatening scenarios, both short- and long-term. Whether you’re weathering a winter storm or surviving the wilderness, you’ll find helpful information here.

Disaster Scenario: Survive an EMP Attack

How to Survive an EMP Attack

( - An electromagnetic pulse (EMP) can disrupt or even destroy electrical systems. In a more serious scenario, an EMP could potentially cause a...

Desert Survival: Waters of Life

( - Deserts can be beautiful landscapes, especially during the early morning hours or the later evening hours. Sometimes beautiful things can be deadly,...

Staying Sane in a Long-Term Survival Situation

( - In a true long-term survival scenario (or even in a blackout that lasts a few days), eventually, there will be downtime. Yes,...

How to Survive Tear Gas When Caught in a Riot

( - All 50 states in America, and many other countries around the world, have participated in the protest following George Floyd’s death. Unfortunately,...

Self Discipline for Survival

( - Ever heard the term “mind over matter”? There’s actually a lot a person can accomplish just by simply having the right mindset....

How to Survive in a Hostage Scenario

( - A serious situation that no one wants to be a part of is being in the middle of a hostage situation. It’s...
Bugging Out With a Baby in Tow

Bugging Out With an Infant

( - Being forced to bug out (evacuate) in a disaster scenario can be hard on you and your family, but if there’s an...

Survival 101: How to Avoid Getting Sick

( - Getting sick can be a death sentence in a true crisis or survival scenario. Even simple issues like a common cold can...
Farewell to Mice, Spiders, Ants and More

Natural Pest Repellants for the Home

( - Every animal and insect has its place in our world’s ecosystem. However, that place doesn’t have to be your home. Mice, spiders,...
Prepper Depression: What It Is and How to Avoid It

Prepper Depression: What It Is and How to Avoid It

( - Depression is a serious issue that often gets overlooked and ignored. About 60 percent of suicides are linked to depression, and around...

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