Preventing Accidents With Outdoor Christmas Lights

Preventing Accidents With Outdoor Christmas Lights

( – It’s that time of year again. All the twinkling light displays are coming out. With many people unable to visit family and friends for the holidays, decorating is just about the only way you can show off holiday spirit this year. From businesses to houses to yards, it seems everyone is lighting their spaces up. But is everyone staying safe and avoiding accidents?

Let’s look at what KTVB says about reducing fire risks:

To make sure your holiday season is even safer, here are a few more tips:

  • Watch for broken bulbs. They can lead to electrical shocks or spark fires.
  • Use the right ladder. Stick to a wooden or fiberglass variety to avoid electrical shocks and make sure it’s tall enough to reach high areas.
  • Elevate lights and extension cords. This will help to keep them dry and out of puddles or snow.
  • Avoid tripping or falling hazards. Make sure all extension cords and lights are out of walkways.

Christmas is a holiday most of us associate with being jolly and bright — so don’t overlook safety and cause it to be a season of folly and fright. Another issue to be concerned with this season is what you consume. Don’t let food poisoning ruin your holiday.

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