Foraging in November

Foraging in November

( – The weather is becoming colder as winter approaches, and soon the only green vegetation will be that of coniferous trees. However, it’s still autumn, and fruits, seeds, berries and nuts are ready to be harvested. John Holzwartz identifies some plants and their uses in the video below.

November is sort of our last hooray before we come into the cold months of winter. This month gives us a chance to collect what we can while the weather is changing. Knowing which plants to forage during this transitional period greatly improves your chances of gathering food.

One great food to forage for in November is actually more common than you might think. Acorns are easily found around their parent trees, and they’re great for making flour for use in bread, pies and biscuits. Just be sure to remove as much of the tannin content as possible before consuming as the bitter compound can damage kidneys.

Hawthorn berries are another perfect food to forage for in November. However, the flavor of these berries can vary greatly, and it’s recommended you look for deep-red fruits that are swollen.

Rowan fruits are also wonderful to look for in November. These fruits should be frozen and defrosted before consuming to reduce bitterness; of course, if there has already been a sufficient frost, you might be able to skip this process.

Other excellent forageable foods during November include:

  • Sweet chestnut
  • Alexanders
  • Burdock
  • Sloe/Blackthorn
  • Chickweed
  • Rosehips/Dog Rose
  • Guelder Rose
  • Cleavers
  • Navelwort/Pennywort
  • Beech nuts

Foraging for food is an ideal way to work toward self-reliance. However, should SHTF, you need to be able to protect your food supplies. Check out how you can protect your food during the apocalypse.

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