Staying Clean During a Soap Shortage

Staying Clean During a Soap Shortage

( – It’s common for some supplies to see shortfalls, especially during emergencies; it happened in the US this year with toilet paper, disinfectant and other supplies. Venezuela had a soap shortage in recent years. To be honest, there won’t be soap producers after SHTF, so you’ll need to be able to stay clean another way. Here’s how you can.

Soap berries, also known as soap nuts, can be found growing naturally in warm, temperate and tropical climates. These cleaning nuts are available for purchase and storing as well. Using warm water you can extract the soapy contents of these nuts and wash your clothes, hair, skin and anything else your heart desires just as if you’d never run out of soap.

You can keep the extract in a container in the fridge for an extended amount of time, or you can freeze it into ice cubes, which last basically as long as you need. Having this soapberry extract stored and ready for use may help you extend the life of the soap you stocked up on.

Hygiene is often overlooked when people prepare for the worst. Check out these other overlooked items and be sure to keep them in mind for your prep.

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