(SurvivalDaily.com) – Ever look out at the ocean to enjoy the beauty and serenity of it, imagining the colorful life existing under those rippling, blue waves? Some may even consider it the perfect life — void of pollution, cell phones, high-paced lifestyles, and bills. Sadly, there is more going on in the depths of the ocean than we imagine.
The truth is, much of our marine life is tripping on acidity right now, and if we aren’t careful, it could take a toll on us. See for yourself what Seeker has to say about the issue.
Unfortunately, there’s a negative impact rippling through the ocean’s marine species and ecosystems. Sea snails, or “potato chips of the sea,” feed whales, and other top predators who also fall victim to this growing problem. It’s thought that sea snail shells will dissolve by the end of the century if acidity levels keep rising, possibly causing a crash in their population.
Problems associated with the ocean’s rising levels of acid also threaten to take a toll on humans. For instance, it has a potential impact on squid, a part of our food supply, and key to California’s lucrative fishery industry. It could begin to see issues as acidic levels rise and deplete high oxygen levels they need to survive. Squid accounts for millions of dollars in revenue annually that may dissolve to nothing.
Even worse, ocean species best suited for acidic conditions are nuisance ones, which could cause our marine ecosystems to change for the worse. Our delicate food web could end up being permanently disrupted. Global communities could lose food sources and related income. Now’s the time to reduce our carbon dioxide emissions and look to cleaner energy sources.
With all the changes that could transpire in the coming years, your food supply should be a top concern. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to start learning how to garden and create your own basement root cellar to ensure a food shortage doesn’t affect your family.
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